Originally Posted by oktjabr
Agreed, living myself in Finland. The nordic countries have IMO succeeded fairly well on balancing socialism and free market capitalism. But we have to remember that the framework is different in USA. Though sometimes I'm puzzled how people in America still fully believe in the american dream while the gap between the rich and the poor is growing wider. Seems that many poor people have to work two jobs to manage. Does this mean that an average US worker is lazier and lazier every year or what? And have I heard totally false information if I say that the US unemployment rate is so low because many people are too ashamed to get registered as unemployed?
it's not that they're ashamed, it's that unemployment benifits only last so long. once you've used up your time, you can no longer get those benefits and no longer count towards unemployment. you may not have a job, but you're ignored as far as the stats go.