I used liquorice root, man that stuff is gross. For the first fortnight I also used lozenges which helped but it took several months to feel 'safe' enough to go to a pub. The craving never goes but i feel proud that I managed to beat it, and smug
Looking at pictures of black lungs also helped. I kept a timetable of changes in you body after you quit,
http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/aha/umtobacc09.htm, I also joined an internet support group. They all understood and were very very supportive.
I will say one last thing, if you succomb and have a smoke then consider this - you are not a smoker again but a non-smoker who happened to have a cigarette. Its just a blip and it doesn't mean you have to start again. Think of the shit you went through in the first few days, if you give in now you *will* have to repeat that in the future.
You're free of it now mate, and you can stay free.