I think the current welfare system prevents people from being fully accountable for their actions. Jobs are out there, I am an inexperienced food service/retail worker. When I need a job I fling out applications everywhere, weather I have to walk take the bus. I have the desire work. If at this point I had a kid I would not seek out aid I would work a second job and I would work my ass off to provide to the best of my abilities for the child. Even if I was alone in doing so.
And social security? Again I want to plan my own retirement and make my own mistakes in life. In a free and capitalist society I should have every right to build myself up or tear myself down. If at 65 I don't have any money, I look back and it was my mistakes, I wouldn't want to burden the youth of next generation with my life, I would have dug my whole and then I will sit in it.
There are people in my city that pay 30 dollars a month for government subsidized houses and apartments and in my opinion it is a total load of shit. When I was kicked out at 17 I paid 150+bills a month and had to split the house with 4 other people. When my car went out of working order and I had to change jobs I busted my ass and got another job. People who are fully capable of working weather they have kids or not, but while I was busting my ass at shit jobs I was subsidizing some lazy fucks to sit on their ass and that is a load of shit.