Originally Posted by M_G
Okay you wanted additional info, here you go...
I remember this from my aerospace engineering classes and I want to share it with you conspiracy wonks. Jet fuel is burned in a jet engine. That engine is designed to take the extreme temperatures of burning jet fuel. This primarily takes place at the COMBUSTOR section of the engine. According to NASA http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/parts.htm#combustor the temperature in the combustor AVERAGES UP TO 2800F. Now, couple that with the fact that not all STEEL is created the same. I will assume your steel melting point numbers are correct (even though I'm sure none of us here made the steel that was used in the WTC). Given the 2800F burning temperature of jet fuel, that is MORE than enough to weaken steel.
As for your point about the entire building support structure coming down on its self at once, I mentioned to you before about this and I'll say it again. Each floor support is designed to support a certain amount of weight. IF a load GREATER than that is put on the support structure it will fail, and once ONE fails, all the rest below it will fail because they are all designed to support the same load (each floor is designed to support the load of the floor above it with some factor of safety). That factor of safety varies and is probably at least 2 or 2.5. Meaning that if a floor above weights 10 tons, it would be designed to support 20 to 25 tons. Lets not all forget that a 767 weights ALOT and it was spread out over probably 5 floors.
Oh and just FYI about how jet engines work, in case your interested in opening your mind for a fraction of a second. http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/Engines101.html
But of course, NASA is a government entity so all this is just BS anyhow, right? 
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the fire burned at 3,000 degrees F. That should be enough to warp and begin to melt the steel frame. Let's say the fire producing this heat is spread across the floor pretty evenly. That would possiby account for the floors complete colapse at the same time. Now go ahead and pull up some pictures of the WTC right before the colapse. They are readely available on line. Notice, if you will, the ALUMINUM SIDING of the WTC did not warp or deform other than the initial impact. You see wwhat I'm getting at? Given the constant exposure - over time - to any escaping heat, it is difficult to imagine the fires being so hot as to cause either catastrophic or abrupt damage to the WTC vertical support structure. None of the images of the outer steel structure show the otherwise expected red-hot glow. All images show the outer shell mechanically destroyed, versus collapsing from thermal cause. Given the mechanics of the heat escape, the outer columns were the most vulnerable to heat damage. No matter what fire dynamics were going on within the building, the heat escape was almost exclusively - and constantly - around the outer columns. Hence, given both time and temperature, the outer columns should have been the structural 'weak-link.'
Or, if one cares to argue that the core structure was acting as a chimney, it is necessary to realize than any catastrophic temperatures which "chimneyed" would have caused the contents of the upper floors to burn violently - which is not seen in the images, versus the white smoke, indicating a relatively cool temperature.
By this reasoning, the fires were obviously too cool to collapse the towers, let alone abruptly.
Oh, I am well aware of how jet engines work.
I await your defence.