Originally Posted by Rekna
I don't want a president that counters in debates with insults and lies because he can't think of anything else. "I own a timber company? Thats news to me! Want some wood?"
I'd like to disspell this new myth that the democrats have started saying.
Bush had a small ownership in a oil and gas company that later branched out into a timber business. This misunderstanding came out as a result as an error on factcheck.org and they have retracted that statement and corrected the error.
This is along the same lines as dems saying that Bush banned stem cell research. The only thing that Bush did was to not give any political funds to any new embyonic stem cells. There is still government funding for the original line of embryonic stem cells and there is full funding for adult stem cells which have shown more promise for cures than embryonic stem cells. Also, there is no ban on private funding to embryonic stem cells so if you believe in this, donate!
This type of stuff happens all the time on both sides and it drives me crazy.