Host, Kerry has a long history of appeasement of America's enemies. You've got the whole Paris thing, the "Dear Commandante" letters, where Kerry encouraged Ortega to "lay low" with the Soviets while Kerry worked to kill the Contra's budget and after the budget was killed, THEN go to the Soviet Union seeking aid, et cetera. On top of that, you've got Kerry's consistent attempts to destroy the US military, by cutting needed programs.
Benedict Arnold was a real, live U.S. military hero. There's no doubt about that, no irregularities in his heroism, et cetera. Yet, despite this record of heroism, he became a traitor when he entered into talks with the British to surrender West Point. That's how he's America's first real traitor. Kerry's treasonous actions FAR surpass Arnold's betrayal, and that's how he'll be seen in the future.
BTW, you suggest that I've bought into Rovian psyops. You're wrong. My loathing for Kerry far predates Rove's sojourn in the White House. In my book, I've considered Kerry to be a traitor for decades.