Originally Posted by coash
if you're aiming to squat a 1RM and you don't think to friggin power up the weight you will never achieve your best poundage.
Yes, I'd agree, however I was not referring to a one rep max, I was referring to a basic set.
Originally Posted by coash
the only reason why it looks fast is because the weight is too light. if you are really pushing and thinking 'speed speed speed' it should still go up slowly if you're pushing heavy. and there's no benefits to using light weight when you can use more.
Ok, I agree with you for the most part. We just had different intepretations of the term "fast." You say fast while it really looks slow, I say fast because the weight is moving fast and usually in a jerky motion. I don't think taking 10sec for the positive movement is worth it at all, however, a 4sec positive is about what it should take. And always under control, never jerking up the weight up because momentum will take over.
Originally Posted by coash
and yea...how do you do clean or snatch with 'slow and controlled'
Yes, clearly slow and controlled wouldn't work for either of those because those are fast movements, you're right about that.