After working with several people who have regular seizures, the general rule of thumb is:
1) If they're sitting on something where they can fall off, help them down to the ground if they start slipping
2) Move away anything that they could fall against and hurt themselves
3) If they have food in their mouth, get the food out ASAP to prevent them from choking on it- this has been my hardest thing to do, since they're not in control of what their teeth are doing, and teeth are sharp.
4) Time the length of the seizure - most seizures are generally anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple minutes, but as somebody said, anything over 5 minutes is serious. The seizure has been going on long enough to cause severe enough damage to the brain that could be fatal. When it comes to time, if a seizure still going after 2 minutes, get 911 on the phone and let them know what's going on. Even if the seizure is over before they get there, they'll be able to ask you questions to guage where they are in their seizure cycle.
The hardest part is seeing one for the first time. I know I just kind of froze for a second or two, until I realized what was happening and snapped. Now that I've been around it for 4 years, while it's still not a fun part of life, I'm much more prepared and calm when the seizures do happen.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna