I'm as liberal as God-worshipping people come. I don't have a problem with gay/lesbian people, and I support civil union or what have you as a way of obtaining the same legal rights of married heterosexual couples. Marriage in the Christian churches is a religious thing anyways (bonding of a man and woman in a spiritual way), most Christian churches aren't going to marry gay couples, so I don't see what the problem with civil union is. I'll go to the polls and vote for it if that's what it comes to. I'm just saying that homosexuality isn't something I'd do, or would endorse. That being said, I've never told anybody that they were wrong or were going to hell or anything like that for anything that they've done, because that sure won't help me or anybody else out. I try to be a constructive person as much as possible, so I stray away from condemning people. That's just a lack of respect for that person.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."