I tend to vote liberal because I don't trust man's basic nature. I'm for strict environmental legislation, for example, because it's been shown that corporations do what is in the interests of profit. Not in the interests of society.
My city is a big superfund site because corporations dumped their waste all over their land, and in our river.
It may be that some are social conservatives because of man's base nature (if I understood that point correctly). But I tend to believe in more regulation for the same reason.
I wouldn't say that I love big government - having a balanced budget, and paying down the debt should be a top priority. And there are lots of places I would cut the budget - rather than increase taxes. So not convinced the standard stereotypes apply.
In a belated attempt to get this back on track, I would say that my agnostism leads me to wanting to keep the environment clean (to stay on that issue). I think people's belief that Jesus is coming back leads them to not care a whit about what sort of world we create for our grandchildren. That could probably tie to social issues as well.
Who cares if gay marriage is going to be looked at in 50 years like inter-racial marriage is looked at today? No one is going to be here, right? Is that too big of a stretch?