Hi fellow artists!
I'm working on a cover for a book that a friend of mine is writing with some professors at her university. Unfortunately I have no idea what to draw so I was hoping that you could help me with any ideas. The title of the book hasn't been decided yet but it's about Jewish/Christian (Western/European civilization) history of ideas/world picture contra the Roman/Greek (Middle East civilization) history of ideas/world picture.
The chapters are about the different views of the world as famous (religious) philosophers/writers/poets or the authors (professors) see it etc. Some of the chapters are about
- Martin Heidegger's experience of divinity through nature and landscape.
- Kant's view of the relation between moral and religion.
- Natural science and religion (thesis of secularization, thesis of conflict in the books by Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galileo and Nikolaus Kopernikus)
- The theologians Søren Kierkegaard, K.E. Løgstrup and Johannes Sløk and their individual presentation of their understanding of the relationship between God and Man.
- The reformation
- the Age of Enlightenment's historyphilosophical clash with the ecclesiatical view of history.
- the Age of Enlightenment and Christianity