I'm pretty much an agnostic, and consider myself conservative. I oppose gay marriage, oppose gun control, support abortion (I think the government should not only pay for abortions for poor people, but give them a cash incentive to abort). I oppose prostitution (other than marriage), I kind-of support pot legalization, I REALLY support decriminalization of pharmaceutical drugs, but oppose the legalization of things like heroin. I support Euthanasia.
Gay marriage: I think we've gone too far into the "normalization" of homosexuality. Homosexuals should be able to do whatever they want, but they should do it in their own bedrooms, and not in public. Of course, I find heterosexual PDA pretty gross, too. If they want to form partnerships, fine, but marriage? Please.
Gun control: We need to scrap it ALL. Everything from the National Firearms Act of 1934 on.
Prostitution: While the cash for sex thing doesn't bother me, the exploitation of women does. I've seen too many pimps who deserved to die.
Abortion: Abortion is Good. It should be encouraged for people who don't really WANT kids. I support cash incentives to poor people for them to abort, paid for out of tax funds. While that may seem nuts, it's far cheaper in the long run to abort and give the former "mother to be" $300 than for her to have the kid and it end up in the system. As the song goes: "only stupid people are breeding".
Marijuana: well, if it weren't for the stupidity it tends to encourage, I'd be all for it.
Other drugs: the legal drug market is screwed. When people in pain can't get the meds they need because the DEA is being, well, the DEA, that's just plain wrong. Heroin, et cetera: Nah, don't legalize it, if there are other, legal alternatives that are far better for you. If you can go and get a script for morphine, who needs heroin???
euthanasia: If you want to off yourself, fine by me. If you want help, that's OK too. There are too many people on the planet already.
After running through all this, I don't feel very conservative, but I'm often told I'm psychotically conservative. Go figure.