Originally Posted by willravel
You sure have a real grip on reality, summerkc. I'm glad you are here to set our heads straight. Just because the melting point of the steel of the twin towers is roughly 2,800 degrees F and the maximum heat airline fuel can produce is about 900 degrees F (PLEASE look these facts up if you don't believe me, I sure did), I'm sure that there is a perfectly good explainaton for the whole supprt system of the building coming down at almost one time and straight down! You must have a ton of research to disprove all of the evidence that is listed here by myself and others. I look forward to reading it!
All sarcasm aside, all you did was say some of the people in this thread were crazy. Did you think to check out the facts listed here, or did you simply assume that our frienly neighborhood government was looking out for us? I’m guessing no (based on the fact that you did not address ANY of the evidence). All you did was dismiss a lot of research and painstaking work. I personally have spent a lot of my time to try and figure this out. You might think it’s sad, and that’s okay I suppose. I think that there is a good enough chance of foul play in this to try and figure out what really did happen. I'll bet if you were able to open your mind for a fraction of a second, you might be surprised.
Bottom line: until I see you add or disprove information to this discussion, I don't see the need to read your threads. I think that a lot of other people would agree. If you can't open your mind, then what are you doing to advance the paranoia thread? This whole section of TFP is obviously on the fringe of rationality. Some of the things listed might be totally bogus. What if just one of the things listed is true? What if this thread is true?
If you can’t consider that, I pity you.
Okay you wanted additional info, here you go...
I remember this from my aerospace engineering classes and I want to share it with you conspiracy wonks. Jet fuel is burned in a jet engine. That engine is designed to take the extreme temperatures of burning jet fuel. This primarily takes place at the COMBUSTOR section of the engine. According to NASA
http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/parts.htm#combustor the temperature in the combustor AVERAGES UP TO 2800F. Now, couple that with the fact that not all STEEL is created the same. I will assume your steel melting point numbers are correct (even though I'm sure none of us here made the steel that was used in the WTC). Given the 2800F burning temperature of jet fuel, that is MORE than enough to weaken steel.
As for your point about the entire building support structure coming down on its self at once, I mentioned to you before about this and I'll say it again. Each floor support is designed to support a certain amount of weight. IF a load GREATER than that is put on the support structure it will fail, and once ONE fails, all the rest below it will fail because they are all designed to support the same load (each floor is designed to support the load of the floor above it with some factor of safety). That factor of safety varies and is probably at least 2 or 2.5. Meaning that if a floor above weights 10 tons, it would be designed to support 20 to 25 tons. Lets not all forget that a 767 weights ALOT and it was spread out over probably 5 floors.
Oh and just FYI about how jet engines work, in case your interested
in opening your mind for a fraction of a second. http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/Engines101.html
But of course, NASA is a government entity so all this is just BS anyhow, right?