Originally Posted by powerclown
Would you have women walking around in burkhas? Would you give up intoxicants? Would you give up your worldly possesions and live like an ascetic? Would you give up your right to choose your leaders? Would you give up your right to bear arms? To Free speech? No cheap airfare? No IMAX theaters? No Corvettes? No Sushi? No Jessica Simpson? No LASIK? No Laz-Y-Boys? No Playboy Channel? No NBA? No Indianapolis 500? No Epcot Center? No Vegas? No Super Bowl? No Rolling Stones? No Telluride or Aspen? No iPods? No scuba diving lessons? No $1000 digital cameras? No cosmetic surgery?
Their complaint is that the infidels (and those who cooperate with them) are rich, free & prosperous and they're not. They have to figure out how to solve that one on their own.
while i wouldn't mind a world with no jessica simpson, that is a very narrow-minded simplistic veiw. they don't hate our freedom or our prosperity. the hate our intervention into their society. they hate our attempts to change them, to westernize them. they hate the encroachment of our culture into theirs. the hate the loss of power they have as people become more secular and women get more power. they don't hate us because we're rich and free, they hate us because we push our values on them. oh, and cause we support the jews. damn jews.