I'd rather have a passive boring unqualified senator then a irresponsible, stuborn, unintelligent, violent, hypocritical, war-mongering war-time president.
I don't want a president that counters in debates with insults and lies because he can't think of anything else. "I own a timber company? Thats news to me! Want some wood?"
I don't want a president that can't admit he is human and makes mistakes. I don't want a president that views himself as infallable. I don't want a president that views himself the hand of God. I don't want a president that thinks he knows what God wants and then uses that to justify things that are clearly not biblical. I don't want a president that protects his rich friends before protecting the nation. I don't want a president that uses fear and lies to brainwash people. I don't want a president that will call one of the greatest war heros of all time unpatriotic (talking Mc'cain here).
So you can say what you want about Kerry but the fact that he is not Bush is probably his strongest reason to vote for him as president. This isn't because he is a horrible canidate that can't stand on anything else. No this is because Bush is just that bad of a canidate.