READ THIS... and love it
Tilted Sexuality was started so we had a place to discuss the aspects of everyday sexuality that we deal with. Shit like anal sex and shaving your ass. But in the past few months it’s become the place to go and bitch about not being able to get laid. I understand that not everyone here has the most confidence when it comes to the outside world. Spending most of your time in front of a computer can do that to a person. Well, I want to help. This needs to be the place that it was before. If you have a question about how to get a girl/boy to notice you or what your girlfriend actually meant when she said she didn’t love you anymore then your best bet is to put it in your journal. People do read those damn things. Because really… the only answer you’re gonna get here is what I’m about to get into.
We've all been in this situation before. You meet a girl/boy you like. You don't know how to tell them or what to do. Well, guess what. It's easy. Just tell them the truth. That's all. Walk your stupid ass right up and be honest. There is no shame in trying. If the person rejects you… at least you have the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your best shot.
I know that is all a lot easier said than done.
The most important part of life and the relationships you have is honesty. There is no better way to impress someone then by telling them the fuckin’ truth. Your husband not fuckin’ you the right way anymore? Tell him. Your girlfriend stopped shaving her pussy? Tell her. The girl you work with at Starbucks is always touching you and you want to know why? Ask her. Yes, it may throw a few people off when you come right out and are honest but it’s the only way to get a real answer. If you beat around the bush and play childhood games you’re never gonna get anywhere. It’s not as easy as it used to be. You can’t just hit a girl to let her know you like her. You get thrown in jail for that shit as an adult. I’ve tried.
Do I fallow my own advice? Fuck no. That would make too much sense. But I do try. When my girl and I get into a fight I try to be as honest and as calm as possible. It works. She has a tendency to overreact with everything. And if I stay calm, think clearly, and be honest then no matter what, everything gets settled. I’m not saying I always win, I’m just saying that it’s the only way to get your point across in a legitimate manner. Everyone is understood and the anger stops. I don’t have to run to the TFP and ask why pinching my girlfriend's ass in church made her mad. Things can be worked out with a simple conversation. Talk to each other. You like the person for a reason. Express that.
Now, for all you broken-hearted-lovers out there. You wanna get some ass? Ask for it. No pick up lines. No witty banter. No reasons to over do it and over think. Humans, for the most part, are simple creatures. We like to eat, sleep and fuck. Play to that. If you don’t know this person just walk up and introduce yourself. Don’t try to be funny and for the love of fuckin’ God… don’t use a pick up line. All you have to do is say hi and your name. You’d be surprised how little people actually talk to each other in public anymore. If you can get up the balls to do that you’re leaps and bounds ahead of the rest. If you’re in a bar don’t offer to buy her/him a drink. That’s cheesy. Get into a conversation first then offer. You don’t wanna come off as needy but you don’t want to be stand-offish. It’s possible. For the most part humans are in the middle of needy and asshole when their being themselves. So, even though you’ve heard it a million times and it’s always from someone that has everything (me) just be your fuckin’ self. There is someone out there that will find you amazing and sexy. Fuck if I could ever figure out why. But they will.
So, in closing. Don’t ask us how to get the girl/boy. You know how. You think you’re just too chicken shit to do it. Well, I’m telling you that you’re not. I’m an ugly ma’fucker and I’m with one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. You know why? I’m honest and am always myself. And she thinks that amazing and sexy.
Fuck if I could ever figure out why.
heavy is the head that wears the crown
Last edited by The Original King; 11-12-2004 at 07:17 AM..