Looks like were going to have to agree to disagree host. Iraq did, in fact, have WMD. This was not a secret. The entire world knew it. I'm too lazy to go look for the links right now, maybe you might want to? Its a matter of public record. We've been over this before here. He killed a million Iranians in the Iran/Iraq War, putting mustard gas, nx/sarin-derivative and blistering agent, among others, to widespread use. He used nerve gas on the Kurdish rebels in Halabja, Northern Iraq. But don't take my word for it, research the matter yourself.
We'll possibly never know for absolute certain if he did/did not have some type of connection to 9/11, but what is known undeniably is that he had a pathological hatred of the US, he provided sanctuary to known terrorists, he personally sponsored Palestinean terrorism in Israel, he had hostile relations with every single neighboring country in the region (invading one of them) and led his country to economic ruin, a la Kim Jung-Il of N. Korea. He was an international pariah.
I really don't care what further evidence this Administration or any other subsequent Administration can or cannot bring to bear to justify action against Saddam Hussein. His public record makes the case for itself as far as I'm concerned. It takes very little imagination to conceive of the type of damage this guy could have done by arming terrorists as hostile to the West as he was.