I sometimes don't think it is a matter of HOW you report something, i.e. the facts and commentary in the report, but it is what news programs and papers CHOOSE to report on. That is why republicans are always screaming over the liberal media, they choose to focus on certain partisan topics and fail to talk about opposite partisan topics.
I good example is John O'Neil from the Swift Boats for Truth and his book "Unfit for Commnad" Now this book brought up some really good questions about Kerrys military record and had accounts from hundreds of soldiers that served with Kerry.
O'Neil was never asked on one mainstream news program, or were there any stories done by them. But look at all the publicity Kitty Kelly got about her book accusing among other things, that Laura Bush used and sold cocaine. She had no real sources that backed it up, but she still got on the Today show and others.
There are many examples and I think this is why FoxNews, Rush, and internet sources have become so popular. It is because the other side has been dying for a differnt view, that may be correct or incorrect, but it is still a differnt view.