Originally Posted by summerkc
It is the above thinking that you will get if you vote for Kerry: America is a ruthless, imperialistic country that is hell bent on world domination.
I don't recall anywhere in my post taking a position on the candidates. If you chose to see the world in such black and white, us or them terms, then there is no use discussing this further.
What makes this country great, along with christianity that you seem to be against, is that they want to make the world a better place, and there is a moral right and a moral wrong, good and evil. Killing 3000 innocent people only for the reason of to kill innocents is wrong. Killing children on buses and in malls in Israel is evil. They are not fighting against an oppressive government and its soldiers, they are fighting against freedom.
Again, I don't recall mentioning Christianity or my stand on it. I didn't realize that trying to engage in meaningful discussion over the possible causes of terrorism was equated with being anti-christian. And regarding freedom, please read my post again regarding the meaninglessness of stating they hate us because of our freedom. That argument is simplistic and shallow, which was the exact point of my post.
I know there have been civilian casualties that we have inflicted, but we have done everything to minimize them. They, on the other hand, celebrate when a Israeli child is dying in their mothers arms.
Yes, terrorists celebrate the deaths of those they hate. What does this have to do with why they hate us?
You say we demand more of our allies than we are willing to return? Look at the causuality rate and expense that the U.S. has had for wars going back 100 years, also all of the foriegn aid for food, drugs, AIDS relief, etc that we send every year. Ask Franch, Britain, Poland, etc if they would have rather us sit out WWII. Ask the Afgani women if they would rather have the Taliban still in power, or Russians if they would still like to be communist.
If you think for a second that we are altruistic and give of ourselves only because we are so generous, then you are mistaken. Every dollar we spend in foreign aid is done so with strings attached. A favor given with a favor expected is no favor at all. We don't do these things out of the goodness of our hearts, regardless of what political ads may say. We do it only if it serves our best interests.
I appreciate your views, but you are missing the point of what I am saying. Simplifying extremely complex issues through the use of jingoistic language does not serve us in the long run. It might help sell Toby Keith CDs, but it does not make us any safer.