Originally Posted by host
Aside from 1069 American dead, other troops wounded and maimed, the
$120 billion spent (borrowed) the damge inflicted to U.S. military readiness,
and the misuse of reserve and national guard forces, and the backdoor draft
that will make future recruitment of new volunteers more difficult, to name only
the impact on this misuse of U.S. forces in the "war on terror", is the continued deception of nearly half the electorate by Bush and Cheney.
I guess I just have more faith in the intelligence of the other 100 million or so Americans who support this war. I don't believe they feel themselves decepted; I think they saw 9/11 and realized fully from then on the nature of the enemy we're dealing with, and agree with current US policy that the only way to prevent more 9/11s is measured, decisive pre-emption.
Originally Posted by host
Powerclown still argues <i>"we take it to them and fight it now, or we wait until they bring it to us"</i>, when the truth is that Iraq had nothing to do
with 9/11 or the war against the people who the president claimed attacked
this country. How can you "take it to them", when there would have been no
conflict with those who kill our troops in Iraq today, if we had not invaded
Iraq under false, and ever changing pretenses ?
Iraq was a time-bomb waiting to go off. The mad dog needed to be put to sleep. Scratch one country off the list of potential terrorist allies willing to sell them WMD to light up an infidel Western city or three. The entire middle east and western hemisphere should be thankful Hussein is gone.
Originally Posted by host
Bush feeds his propaganda to his faithful base; they parrot his empty.
macho, "bring it on", rhetoric, while American troops continue to die in
an unnecessary war that Bush intiated. If our troops were killing foreign
fighters in Iraq in any numbers, why would our government not offer proof
of this by inviting journalists and international monitors from the Red Crescent, Red Cross, and the U.N. to view the bodies and the evidence, and
even make a validating point by inviting the Red Crescent to identify the
bodies and repatriot themn to their country of origin. Instead, we hear Bush's
bluster about taking the fight to them instead of fighting them here, echoed
by those who need no truth from Bush to continue to believe his every word!
Indeed, keep the American people protected and far from the fighting, while at the same time pacify a hostile anti-western terrorist arms depot.