Originally Posted by maypo
You are aware the oil is running down? Reserves are estimated to last approx. 100 years perhaps far less with the boom in China. When this happens inevitably we will seek new sources of power, solar hydrogen etc. which, if the president and vice president didn't have their head up their ass we would be doing right now, instead of This quote refers more to the US than any other country I can see right now.
Well, then for the next 100 years or however long oil continues to be an important resource for all, no more Saddam Husseins in charge of the world's oil supplies please. As far as weapons, I sleep better at night knowing that the world's most powerful military conducts itself to a level of professionalism, and has respect for the rule of law that the US Armed Forces abide by. It is the most civilized, benevolent and neurotic World Power in the history of mankind.