Originally Posted by Halx
I'm not someone who looks at what we have and then tries to find a meaning for it all. I just live life and deal with *real* issues that affect *me* personally. If a dude wants to fuck another dude, I'll give him my thumbs up. It does not affect me in any way and therefore I reserve no judgement. If you do stick your nose in other people's affairs to tell them that they are wrong, then you're no better than those who preach hate for these same people.
halx, those are my sentiments exactly.
Its hard for me to not get angry at some religous people for their viewpoint on occasion. I dont know how someone can bring themselves to care if two homosexuals get married or not, it in no way affects my daily life, and there's no potential for it to. im not going to do it, but it doesnt mean that im going to approve OR disapprove.
there are arguments by some against homosexual marriage, adoption being one of them.
I feel that the homosexual adoption issue cowers before teen pregnancies and children being raised in poverty and not given the chance to a proper education.
I feel that religion was created as a way to aid in the development of society,
that being said, I feel that its ability to aid societys development is diminshing, and I think the affects of its hindrance to society are beginning to show.
sorry for getting off topic, but its refreshing to see that some share my viewpoints. all of the guys on the car forums I visit are typically republican protestants and attack the more "liberal" viewpoints whenever they are brought up.