I'm a member of Delta Upsilon, Western Reserve Chapter. We are an anti-secret, non-hazing meritocracy. The fraternity was created in the 1830s in direct opposition to the secret greeks that hid behind their secrecy and legacies to fiddle with student politics and pretty much corrupt the original ideals that they were founded on. Most fraternities were started for a good reason, and when run right they can be a great way to better yourself and your community. Having said that the unfortunate thing is that most of them anymore have lost sight of that. I guess my main point is that there are good and bad people in every group, so don't condemn all greeks because the ones you've dealt with are the retards (who of course are the loudest and get the most airtime). I know I'm a better person for having been in my fraternity, but I also now that I wouldn't have joined any other.
"Kafka would have been a desperately unhappy D.U." ~Brother Vonnegut