In the name of progress essentially the family unit has been destroyed. Over time Women have become more career minded however Men can still not be accepted as fathers or the emotional backbone of a family. It seems like family alone is no longer suitable to satisfy the desires of societies, it would mean nothing if the newest SUV with chrome rims wasn't in the driveway, so in the name of possesion the children become more distant as both parents are at work, less time is spent togethor as they drift towards the inevitable divorce that is so common now.
So if the number of 2 income houses increases so does the jobs market for single and one income houses. I mean what has really happened in the name of progress? I agree that there should be equality but it has to go both ways. So why have a guy be a stay at home guy? This could never happen cause the guy has to pay for the first date. If there is to be quality then every gender based expectation needs to be dropped.