OK MOTHER FUCKER COLLINS PIECE OF SHIT!!!! I fucking give up, I hope Collins gets a career ending injury, I hate that cock sucking fucking interception throwing piece of shit. I hope you are injured Collins, you are the worse NFL player of all time. I would also like to apologize to Gannon for having to watch this BS. Hey, atleast people might actually realize you are ten times better than Collins now. Collins does not deserve to play, bring Tui in. Its 4th quarter and I'm not even going to watch this disgusting game anymore, makes me sick to my fucking stomach. Callahan was right, we are the dumbest team in America. Fuck this horrible lazy team....we need to start from the ground up...we are horrible. FUCK COLLINS! DIE COLLINS! FUCK COLLINS! GET INJURED YOU WORTHLESS SORRY PIECE OF SHIT! I PRAY TO GOD YOU ARE INJURED SO WE CAN START TUI! Worthless asshole.