Originally Posted by maypo
The Iraq war is being referred to as a mistake because, in fact, it was. You can't change your reasons afterwards. Many of you are using arguments for war that would have applied to China or the Soviet Union or Korea. Pre-emption is a flawed concept from the get-go. Haven't you ever seen Twilight Zone. Everyone gets the future wrong in large and small ways. Wheres my jet car????!!!!!!
Hmmmm. It's been clearly confirmed that Iraq negotiated to buy yellowcake uranium from Niger. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Robert Byrd, Al Gore, Madeleine Albright, and John Kerry all stated that Iraq had WMDs, and must be stopped.
But the Bush-haters continue. Amazingly enough, they ask why Bush hasn't "dealt with" North Korea, although they already HAVE nukes. But preventing Iraq from getting them is bad.
I can't figure out why no one blames Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, who GAVE North Korea the nuclear material.