Though I'm not going to condone it I'd like to point out that there are many more people killed driving the speed limit or many other perfectly legal activities. There's a calculated risk in every decision we make and the risk involved in 'street racing' isn't to the degree that hordes of youngsters are killed every year. It's already illegal, and you think your opinion is going to change anything? You really think that charge will stick? Those kids, god rest their soul, lost their lives due to their own decision. Hell, who's to say they wouldn't have lost control if they were the only one on the street? How many of us have not dangerously exceeded the speed limit on a deserted road? How much safer is that? I think you should pick a more worthy cause like fighting drunk drivers. Compare the number of *innocent* lives lost to drunk drivers every year...
Oh, and to DEI37 - F*ck off. You have no sympathy for someone that died? What about this Dale moron that you seem to sympathize with? He knew the risks, should we all turn our back on that tragedy? Do you sympathize with someone who enlistst in the armed forces, and then gets killed in battle? You don't think that they were risking the odds to a much greater degree? You should have sympathy for anyone that dies of unnatural causes, and I hope that karma doesn't catch up with you one day.
94 3000GT VR4 (12.67 @ 105.93 & 12.802 @ 109.40)