Originally Posted by Halx
Forgive me, but I see the favor of money over personal liberty to be quite petty. Unfortunately, that's how most people think nowadays and that's why the two most powerful political parties who are seemingly the only two that matter, and they would sooner shit on civil liberties.
I don't favor money over personal liberty, I see them as part of the same. Yes I choose to work pretty hard over all, but I personally think I am lazy. I could do so much more with my time if I stopped playing video games, posting on tfp and the like. I don't see people having a right to my labor and by saying they do I feel someone is infringing on my personal liberty. If I came to you and said, 'For the next three months you will be working my farm and if you don't you will be jailed' I would guess you would feel your personal liberties have been pretty shat on, and I feel the tax system does just that.
Most non-religious conservatives like myself are closer to libertarians in viewpoint. I think libertarians make a mistake when it comes to national defense, but other then that I think they have a solid world view. Most of the 'big' conservative vrs liberal issues are unimportant to me.