Originally posted by smooth
[B]Look, Lebell, I'm not redefining straw man. You misunderstood Dr. Downs' definition. I read his link and my credentials aren't particularly relevant--yet, suffice to say that although my degree isn't in logic, law relies a great deal upon logical constructions.
Here are some more examples so you can better understand the gist of a straw man argument:
Thank you for straightening me out on the definition of 'Strawman' smooth. Now, will you read it yourself and apply it correctly?
Liquor Dealer did not use a strawman. You tweaked his nose and then he didn't care for it, regardless of the qualifiers you choose to put on it. So when he brought it up, you attacked him again, this time using the ad hominim attack "Strawman". I called you on it and you didn't like that either, so here we are.
I really shouldn't have replied, but like a lawyer, I like to get the last word in. That's one of my own weaknesses.
Anyway, I think this horse is dead.