I guess we're just fundamentally different. My boss often gets on my case because money doesn't seem to motivate me. I'd sooner shrug off busywork in favor of undertaking a new creative project. Piece of mind is more important to me than how much I am being taxed. And you're right about none of these issues being changed by the time Kerry ends his term, that's why I'm not voting for him. Besides, it's not about acheiving the goal, it's about progressing towards it. A vote for a conservative government will surely nudge the slider away from the goal.
Your distrust in human nature comes from witnessing, over the course of your entire life, friction between cultures. This is caused by overbearing, imperialistic or religious governments. I support a government that is neither. There is a reason why the US has a very big ego and that is because we are a self-made country. We had a revolution to become who we are. What we're doing now in Iraq and Afghanistan is not helping anything.
Forgive me, but I see the favor of money over personal liberty to be quite petty. Unfortunately, that's how most people think nowadays and that's why the two most powerful political parties who are seemingly the only two that matter, and they would sooner shit on civil liberties.
So, you spend most of your day working... that is ultimately your choice. However, all species on this plant work. It's survival. Lesiure is what sets mammals apart from the rest, and *excessive* leisure is what sets humans apart from the rest. Furthermore, it's frequently emphasized that to do well at work, you must take care of your home affairs first. Conservatives would like to limit the capacity to which you are able to do that.