Originally Posted by host
1066 lives of other family's young adult, U.S. military volunteers is one cost of
Bush's folly and deception. I hope that you can reconsider the wording of your
last post. You enable a president who resists admitting a huge mistake by
rushing our country into war in Iraq. Would it take the loss of one of your own
family members for you to hold Bush accountable for his actions. Do you favor
government with a secret agenda, and no penchant for ever admitting a
mistake. Please tell us why you think we are in Iraq........?
My father was involved in a cival war. Where he had to kill his own people.
I would rather fight for freedom from an enemy, then kill me own blood so I can live longer. Don't give me rethoric about having my own family die to realize the extent of war, My family is already drowned in blood.
Why do I think we are in iraq.
Oil is the main reason. Yes oil is money, but none of us are innocent. Oil fuels western economy. I'm not saying the US wants the oil fields but I'm more saying the world economy is more stable without the strangle hold of a Hussien. Good deeds are done on the price of blood and toil that crude petroleum involves.
Safety. It is Bush's job to make sure we the United States is protected. Us being in Iraq yes makes me feel like tommorow, next year, next decade would be a better day. Once again no one is innocent. We can't be a nation of tree huggers singing koombyya while our people are getting slaughtered. Diplomacy, mostly against what seems like a zealot group of people who think death is just, is meant more for people who can see on the same ideals and equality. It's difficult to enforce when our enemy now seems to believe equality is eradication.
Little Boys Obsession - I think part of the war is Little Bush's obsession with finishing what his Father started.
Now here is my opinion on the Government.
They should know things that we shouldn't. I feel if we knew 100% of what the government knows, the web of our civilization would crumble faster then we could believe. People as of now are greedy, selfish, and all sorts of unappealing. To gather a group of people to create a civilization and society, is to basically coral them, drug them, entertain them, and hope they don't revolt. Why should we care if Osama is dead? Isn't it just enough that we haven't had another Airplane fly into one of our buildings killing our people? What's with this obsession with definates. How the war isn't a success without the head of our enemy? How a war isn't just because we haven't found a WMD? Isn't it enough to know that we were stupid, we got hit, and now we are doing our damned best to make sure we don't make that mistake again?
I don't like bush, but he is my commander in cheif. The United States, with all its negatives, I believe is a bastion of hope.
In the end it's perspective. You say a 1000+ people who died for no meaning, I see 1000+ people who were my countrymen, and that is meaning enough to enjoy the freedoms we obviously have.
On a final note, I think if Kerry comes into office, he will realize when he's briefed about the war that He won't be able to do much. That the situation is deeper than any of us can even comprehend.