here are my golden rules...
start from bigger muscle groups then move into the supporting muscles for example
first work out chest shoulders upper legs then towards the end of the work out do biceps and triceps calvs abs etc .
always move from bigger groups to smaller groups cause if you work your biceps to shit first there is no way you will be able to work out your back same for triceps and chests.
basically for mass you want higher weights and lower reps try to stay around 8.
make sure you eat protien after working out.
what I normally do is start off with a run or some other sort of warmup cardio.
then go right to chest one major thing and I switch off so like (bench one day, incline next some shit with barbells one day whatever) then I do back (again on diff days do diff things to keep it intresting) then shoulders.
then ill take another run or some other cardio for 5 min. then move onto the smaller muscles biceps triceps deltoids calvs etc.
do weights every other day and cardio every day it actually helps with the bodybuilding