Originally Posted by clavus
Your job does not have to be your passion, and vice versa. Your job can fund your passion.
You can do this but you better like what you are doing.
I wouldn't call my job a passion, but its pretty high up there and I LIKE it. If I didn't I wouldn't be as good as I am at it.
For me the key was finding something I liked to do that I could also do well financially in.
I really love astronomy, archeology and paleontology, but they don't put a lot of bread on the table. I went safe with dentistry and then orthodontics. Its not a super passion for me, I don't live and die teeth, but I like what I do enough that I don't get up wishing I was anywhere else besides working.
As someone else said, whatever you decide aim high, you will always regret it if you shoot lower then your potential.