I was on welfare once a long time ago. I hated every minute of it. I soon as I was able to support myself and my family I went and canceled all of my benefits.
After I was working for about six months the janitorial company I was working for transfered me to a Welfare buliding in the Inland Empire. I would be in the building during the day and I would see the people that would come in to get there checks or provide paperwork to keep there benefits going. Now at this time I was driving a POS Ranger as that was all I could afford. The people that were coming in would regularly be driving brand new Explorers and Silverados and such. This would irrate me to no end as I was working my rear off to make ends meet and stay off welfare and these people would drive up in their brand new cars with no intention of getting a job or off welfare. When I would talk to some of the workers alot of the people had been getting money from the states for years.
Now I don't have a problem with helping people who need it as I did once. However I think that ever effort should be used to get people on there on feet so that we don't have to support them. There just seems to be way too much abuse in the system.