Originally Posted by FeltTip
SYLVIA BROWN IS A CHARLATAN. She is a FAKE. She is a LIAR. And she backed down from the JREF test for $1,000,000.
Gee, isn't it amazing that people back down from being tested by a bunch of confirmed skeptics. I know that if I had any psychicness to any discernable degree I wouldn't subject myself to that JREF test, because while a million dollars is nice, there isnt anything that you can do to make sceptics believe you, and I have more self-respect than to parade myself around like that. A lot of the people I know who claim to be psychics (I am undecided on the issue and don't go to them for readings etc because it isn't my cup of tea).
On the using psychics to help solve crime cases, I have seen too much of that working to disbelieve that it can help, and if you didn't froth at the mouth every time someone even _mentioned_ the word "psychic" then you might have too. And it isn't a case of "solving the crime" per se, but more adding additional information which allows the police to turn up new leads to solve the cases.
You should at least have the decency to admit that if there are such things as psychics, then there would be easily 20-30 times the amount who are charlatans and it is them, not the genuine ones, who are the cause for the bad name being a psychic has had attached to it.