Yes, that's right. Last night in St. Louis two presidential candidates acted like leaders. They stood up for what they believed in and acted like people who had the convictions to lead a country. They acted "presidential" in the best sense of the term in my opinion.
You thought I was talking about Bush and Kerry?! Hell no!
Last night, Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) and David Cobb (Green) were arrested for their civil disobedience protesting the CPD locking them out of the presidential debates. They crossed the police line, after explaining to the crowd outside why they were doing so, and surrendered soon afterwards. Badnarik, had he been given the opportunity before being arrested, would have served the CPD with an <a href="">Order to Show Cause</a>, which basically forces them to explain why the candidates were not being allowed into the debates. Word is that while Michael Badnarik was unsuccessful, an Order to Show Cause was still delivered by someone else.
This on the heel of news that the Arizona Libertarian Party has <a href="">filed a lawsuit</a> to stop state funding of the third presidential debate.
More information regarding the Badnarik and Cobb arrests can be found on their respective sites (links to follow). Badnarik's site includes many interesting anecdotes as well about students being detained simply for walking back from class the wrong way.
Here's to two men of character who are willing to stand up for their beliefs with integrity and conviction. (no pun intended
