Originally Posted by mjw
You know, I have one really big issue with that ABC article, the fact that they're refering to the Iraq mess as a "mistake". I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who would actually say that Saddam was a good person, and that we were wrong for ousting him.
Don't get me wrong, I will be the first to agree that the initial reasoning for initiating the the war was skewed at best, and that there definatly were an infinate number of more politically correct ways we could have gone about it, but that doesn't change the fact that Saddam and his dictatorship was an atrocity.
Just look at the mass graves we've turned up, the horror stories from the general populace, and the way he was raping the country simply for his benefit. The man was a monster, and though we could have gone about it better, it is a good thing to have him out of power.
No one will disagree that Saddam was a bad guy, one of many in that area, but like the WMD'S that Bush and Co said that Saddam had: many of the specific charges are untrue or grossly exagerated.
Just like the incubator story of the first Gulf War this was a story made up to inflame our emotions and convince us we were doing right in other words propaganda.