What about Chronicles of Riddick?
I admit a deep loathing to Pitch Black. I have not seen the new movie, though I will probably rent it. That said, Chronicles of Riddick on the Xbox is the best console shooted I've ever played (yes better than Halo, tho that game rocks a lot too), and actually has quite a bit of the gameplay tied into stealthy, creeping around in the dark and sneaking up on guards armed with automatic rifles with your bare hands (or with a shiv or club). Its actually quite reminiscent of Manhunt in those parts, although not as gorey or sensational. And I loved Manhunt as well, becasue it was that gorey and over the top.
Hitman 2 was a lot of fun. I then played Hitman: Contracts and came to the decision I just didnt like the series anymore. Its too unforgiving. Its too easy to be caught while trying to be stealthy, and while you can run and gun through it, its not the best shooter out there, nor was it meant to be. Maybe I'm just lame, but I didnt enjoy the experience.
Mark of Kri is awesome. Amazing, amazing game. Very underrated. Wolverine's Revenge was a lot like that, only not as good across the board. If you PS2 people out there like stealth and havent played Mark of Kri its practically free if purchased used now. I must recommend it.