US Air Force 1981-1989
81170 Security Specialist (proud member of the Brotherhood of the Blue Beret)
Staff Sergeant
Duty Stations:
F.E.Warren AFB Cheyenne, Wy 90th Security Police Squadron 1981-1984
I worked in the Nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA) I was the SPCDS Operator.
Offutt AFB Omaha, NE 3906th Special Security Squadron (SAC Elite Guard) 1984-1989
I worked in the Strategic Air Command Headquaters Building, including the underground command center.
AFEES Station (what you now call MEPS) Pittsburgh, PA
Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
I was the guy you had to wake up at 4 am to let you into the restricted areas.
And *I* was the guy that came upon your Z copping ass, hid your M-16, changed the channel on your radio so I could bogusly dispatch you to a hostile penetration attempt at "sector 7" (or, in your case, an IZ alarm at Kilo 4), and laugh my ass off watching you shit all over yourself.
Yeah...I was such a bastard. But at least Lt. Dipshit, with his degree in Forestry, didn't find out.
Originally Posted by tecoyah
I would just like to express my gratitude to you both.....and anyone else who replys to this. Were it not for yourselves, and others with the fortitude to enlist, we would be in a world of hurt....literally.
You are owed a debt....that will never be repaid, as it simply cannot be.
You're very welcome, tecoyah. It's people like you that make it all worthwhile.