I just couldn't believe anything he said, not just on Iraq but also;
health care, a disaster with an expensive medicare drug benefit (60 Billion$$$) when you could save more buying drugs from Canada.
the economy,massive tax cuts for the wealthy and the shill of saying small business will be paying taxes if Kerry's plan is instituted, (utter nonsense, if you earn over 200 thousand
profit in a small business it should not be magically exempt from taxation) If Bush says one more time "you can't tax the rich" i'll start ranting ( of course you can't if you make it policy.)
education, their never ending love of school vouchers; read this article about falling property value and tax income in Texas to understand how disconnnection of property taxes from local school districts will result in the collapse of tax income
and property values
and the link of Cheney via Scooter Libby to the outing of the C.I.A. operative, Valerie Plame Check out this link from the Washington Post for more:
This does not even begin to discuss the gutting of the clean air act, energy policy and many other things I disagree with this administration on, including an increased connection of church and state, perhaps one of the worst effects of this administration, can you say "jihad"
If you want more real information, not rhetoric I suggest a subscription to Atlantic Monthly, it's cheap, about ten dollars a year and it connects you to some of the best minds in the press and government. Television news has decayed to such a point that it is scarcely news. (saw old Reagan press conference in a documntary and it was like hounds on a fox,
that's press)You could have known about the tribal factions and Iraq's natural tendencies towards civil war
years before we invaded.