Try again, Lebell.
A straw man argument occurs when one ignores or distorts someone's position in order to discredit it or argue against the new (and weaker) position presented.
Read the link, if you haven't already. You will notice that I don't attack or impugn LD's level of intelligence. LD intentionally claimed that my post (in the other thread) stated or somehow inferred that he was less educated by his use of the word "irregardless." My post didn't allege any such thing; hence, his claim that he "was ridiculed for [his] lack of education" as the basis for his inability to use the word "irregardless" despite his desire to is a straw man.
As for your claim that my recent post is an attack against the person:
Clearly, irrespective of the fact that calling someone on their use of a straw man argument to bolster one's claim is not a fallacious attack on the person's argument, my comment was a question rather than a statement.
edit: btw, I demonstrated the "proof" of a straw man (which you submitted):
Proof: Show that the opposition's argument has been misrepresented by showing that the opposition has a stronger argument. Describe the stronger argument.
when I posted this:
Posting a tongue-in-cheek dictionary entry is not the same as ridiculing you for your lack of education