Originally Posted by God of Thunder
Best rock band ever. Period.
I've always been of the mindset that there are two schools of music, before the Beatles and after. In my opinion, The Beatles changed everything.
Whether or not bands admitted it (and alot of them have) they were effected by them, if not influenced by them. The fab 4 broke a lot of doors down and changed the way music is seen, heard and played.
This is also why I voted Best Ever. The Beatles did things that no one else had thought of before. They basically invented the idea of an album, made studio bands a viable thing, ushered in the usage of "world music" and spearheaded the journey out of Elvis-land into the explosion that followed in rock. They didn't invent everything, but they inspired most of it. They, along with Dylan and some others, also made popular music a genre that critics had to take seriously.
Even if you don't like their music, you have to recognize their enormous contribution to popular music.
Personally, though, I think their early stuff, while very good in a technical sense, was really just more of what came before. It wasn't until Revolver/Rubber Soul that they began to mature and invent their own styles.