Originally Posted by scout
Looks like the blame here is a two way street, her's for not putting out and his for cheating. Both parties have broken their wedding vows and the blame should be shouldered equally.
i'm not sure that "putting out" is part of traditional wedding vows and to say so is extremely nearsighted and borderline ignorant. she's done her part, from what i hear, and it's downright irresponsible to cheat on her. "good mother" sticks out to me a great deal. i know, that your children do not deserve to have their family split apart (which will definitely happen somewhere down the line) because you can't go without sex.
sex with your "business partner" might very well be the best sex you've ever had, but it also might very well be the sheer timing of it. you can't go thinking that just because you can sleep with a co-worker without her committing, that you can make the same decision. your situation is with you, you have responsibilities as a father, as a husband, and as a friend.
i don't mean to villianize you in any way, but i think that what you're doing is wrong and that, if you want your marriage to keep working then you need to do the right thing. an affair is always a quick fix, but the problem lies deeper and until you sit down and talk about everything (yes, everything) with your wife, nothing will ever get better. you made a vow to love and to cherish, don't come to us, go to her in good times and otherwise.