There are a host of reasons for why she may not be interested and some are not so obvious. My wife and I have had issues just like this for a while are trying to work through them. A women's sex drive is effected by many things and is often messed up by drugs she may be taking (birth control pills killed my wife's sex drive, go figure). She may also have some form of chemical imbalance that a doctor could figure out with proper testing.
Then there is your actions within the marriage. If she does not feel like you find her attractive or you are not showing her enough affection or talking to her enough. Thousands of things are possible here.
Our pre-martial counselor told us that if I (the guy) was not getting enough sex then I was not doing the right things to put her in the mood. He made it all my fault. While I no longer believe this to be true 100% of the time, I have done enough research on the subject to know it is the case more often than not. So I examine my actions first when this issue shows back up. When was the last time she got flowers from me? a card? some lingerie? we went on a real honest to god date? etc...
Just some thoughts for you.
However, I would seriously consider the medical side of it and I would talk with her about it. Maybe she knows what the deal is. Maybe she does not know it bothers you. Suggest she ask her GYN about it.
Good luck. This is no fun and I understand where you are with it.