Harsh judgement shouldn't be passed without more info. That being said, I've been in a relationship where she lost all desire for sex because of mental problems, stress, prescription drug abuse, eating disorder, depression...as her list of issues got longer the frequency of sex dropped and dropped, till I just gave up trying. I finally decided it wasn't worth it and ended it. We weren't married, but it was like a divorce almost because we lived together and had been together for 5 years ever since high school. It was tough but I decided I was done being miserable and frustrated with a partner who refused to face her problems and get better.
That said, there were no kids involved, and that adds a whole new list of problems to deal with.
Originally Posted by danbiles
Why is it some women loose interest in sex? Before we stopped having sex we never had any problems.
Women love sex just as much as men do, but men can have all sorts of things wrong and still want it. I think its different for women, if they lose their desire its a symptom of something else that's wrong. Could be stress, kids, depression, drugs, etc. But I guarantee you she just didn't decide she doesn't like sex anymore, something else is wrong. My wife and I both work full time and have a baby, lots of stress, and never enough $$$ to go around. This week has been pretty bad because I hurt my back on top of everything else, but this morning she told me she's going to rape me tonight no matter what, because she hasn't had it in 5 days and its driving her crazy.
For your kids sake you should try and work it out, but for all I know you have and she's still unresponsive. Ultimately life is too short to be miserable. That said splitting up may not be the answer, maybe you could discuss having an open marriage?