Originally Posted by d_p_w_k
While i commend those of you on here who are choosing to vote for a candidate most closely aligned with your individual belief system (be it left, right, green, libertarian, anarchist, etc.), I caution those of you who are choosing to vote a particular way because your State is not up for grabs. Perhaps your state is not up for grabs (for either party) because people vote thinking their vote doesn't matter.
That is why election day polls are not permitted until after the polls close. Perception would too greatly impact turnout.
Each voter has to determine their own priorities. If your priority is the defeat of Bush, vote accordingly. If your priority is support of Bush, do so as well. Just don't vote one way because you believe your vote doesn't count. The surest way to make your vote meaningless is to use your vote as though it is meaningless.
The core reason for voting third party should always be that you believe in what that third party candidate represents, yes. However, this does not mean that one cannot recognize that although Kerry is bad, Bush is worse, and thus be equally concerned. Following that, it *IS* possible to know which way your state will be going. Living in Wisconson, as I see you do, you may not realize how LITTLE competition there is over some other states. In Illinois, both the democratic and republican parties have given up advertising their candidates - in fact, they haven't done so to any sort of significant degree in any presidential election since I've been alive. Similar situations exist in states across America. Only about half the states are like this, but I assure you there are certainly states in which you KNOW exactly which way it will be going.