This thread would make me laugh, if it didn't make me cry at the stupidity of some people first.
Seriously guys. This is a collection of forums with a HUGE range of topics. If one were to sit down once a day and read new posts in each forum, it would take hours. I spend at least an hour a day on the forums as it is, and I typically hit just a handful of forums... hardly even scratching the surface of the content and discussion available.
And yet, out of all the wealth of valuble information on these forums, the only thing that appeals to some of you (I believe you're tagged "Losers" now?) is "omfg teh pr0n is gone!!!11 lolololol!"
If these boards were here just for your benefit to leech porn and not contribute to meaningful conversation, it would be a porn site. But it's not, now is it? It's a forum project, with the ultimate goal being "the evolution of humanity, sexuality, and philosophy." For those of you not contributing to those evolutionary processes, the boards are better off without your bandwidth hogging. Furthermore, for all the time you spent bitching about how all the porn's gone, you could have found about 100x more porn, updated daily, than is posted in the EZ.
In conclusion, get a life, you ungrateful bastards, or start contributing and become an active member of the community. Either one would be great, IMO.
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it." - George Bernard Shaw