Man, sounds like a shitty roomate. I've had my share of roomates in the past and most were freinds beforehand making living together a lot easier. I did have a few terrible roomates though. The worst was when I was living in an apartment with him and another guy. We'd all split the bills and whatnot and for a few months "shithead" roomate was collecting it all together to take in to pay. For 3-4 months he was making sure to pick up the mail and get the bills, collect the money and pay them. No big deal since that was the regular routine until one month I end up getting to the mail before him and find a bill that was well overdue. Turns out the asshole was collecting the money and using it for whatever else he felt like doing, during the same time he managed to get a hold of a mutual freinds bank card and clean out his account. Pretty clueless as to how to act in society really. I eventually got back about half of what he owed me and we managed to make sure the whole dorm/apartment area knew exactly what an ass he was, and since he was so well liked before hand, this was better than getting some of the money back. Last I hear he had dropped out of school and taken a job at a fast food joint. Good for him.
"It'd be better for me if you don't understand"