I ride - '82 Shovel. It's pretty strange when your only reliable means of transportation is a twenty year old Harley Davidson.
I'm not one of the "if it's not a Harley, it ain't a motorcycle" crowd. To be honest, I literally DESPISE what Harley Davidson has become in recent years. You'd have to tie me up before I'd set foot in a dealership. They want to sell what I look like to the RUBs, but they plain don't give a rats ass about me personally or my bike because they know right away I aint dropping no 20K for a new bike (with a $14K MSRP no less).
At any rate - I used to ride motocross as a kid. Did some street and flat track some years ago. Was never very good - I get scared too easy riding fast and close. Then one day I sat my ass on my FXR, and never have had any desire to ride anything else since.
All you riders stay sharp and shiney out there!