Originally Posted by thefictionweliv
Jesus would have been a Communist in the purist sense that everything was for the greater good of the society. Jesus felt that the rich should disperse with their wealth and follow him. So in his eyes everyone would be on the same level. He also said to follow kings, which is an example central form of government in a communist society. "Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's. Give to God what is God's." In a perfect functioning communism the resources collected from taxes would be redistributed for the good of the society. Republicans and Democrats are both products of a free and open society.
Communisism has no sense of individualism. Christ's teachings are essentially individualistic: what matters is what happens between god and you, not anything else. Christ has absolutely no political aspirations, as he sees the political as terrestial and, therefor, pointless.
You interpretation of "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" is interesting, but wrong, I think. It's a statement that basically says there is no need for revolution, that the current government (ANY current government) is fine, and need not bother anyone's head. So, I suppose in the banal sense that were Christ chatting in a perfectly functioning comunist society, he would be a commie, then sure, that's true. But the Christ is in no sense the Che.